The Salar de Antofalla is located towards the west of the provinces of Catamarca and Salta. Our project is situated on the northern part of the salar in Salta province and covers some 5,500 hectares. The distance to travel from the provincial capital is in the order of 490 km.
Trendix Mining has carried out a couple of preliminary prospecting campaigns that included a geological survey and a sampling of surface brines. All information is very incipient and related to the free aquifer, however some significant lithium anomalies have been obtained up to 88 ppm, while in potassium the values obtained have been surprising as they reached up to just over 18,000 ppm.From the chemical - theoretical point of view, this last data would be consistent with lithium values of the order of 1,200 to 1,800 ppm, since the ratio potassium / lithium in almost all the salt flats of the Puna is of the order of 10 to 20. That is: each ppm of lithium is accompanied by up to 20 ppm of potassium and is a parameter that is used as an indicator during the exploration.Although there are salt flats with high contents of Li and K on the surface, most of them show more consistent values in the samples from the semi-confined aquifers and at depths greater than 20 mt.The Antofalla Salt Flat is developed in one of the deepest basins of the Puna, according to geophysical prospecting works developed by Bolland Minera SA in the sector of Catamarca province. The investigation showed depths up to 500 mt.As a antecedent is interesting to mention that Albemarle Corp. has properties that are located only 30 km south of our project and whose exploration works established minimum grades of 350 ppm Li in samples of shallow drilling up to 50 mt. of depth.
Antofalla Norte Project, is conformed by three mining properties (mines) granted by the Salta Mining Authority.

The unique works carried out until now, are related to sampling of surface brines or to the low depth of 4 meters. The information is very incipient and related to the free aquifer, however some significant lithium anomalies up to 88 ppm, were obtained while potassium values have been surprising since they reached up to something more than 18,000 ppm. From the theoretical chemical point of view, this last grade would be consistent with values of the order of 1,200 to 1,800 ppm lithium, because the ratio K/Li in almost all salt lakes from the Puna region are in the order of 10 to 15. That is: for each ppm lithium is normally accompanied by 10 to 15 ppm of potassium and it is used as an indicator in the exploration.
While there are salt lakes with high contents of Li and K in surface, most of them show values more consistent in samples from semi confined aquifers and to depths greater than 20 mt.

Mining properties involved in this report, are located just 30 km north of Albermarle Corp. claims. Theses properties were originally explored by Bolland Minera SA. who established minimum contents of the order of 350 ppm Li in shallow samples or up to 50 m depth.
The Salar Antofalla is developed in one of the deepest basins of the Puna, according to geophysical prospecting works developed by Bolland Minera SA in the sector of Catamarca province. The investigation showed depths up to 500 m.