The BCP project is located about 30 km north of Los Menucos town, in the province of Río Negro. Access is by the paved road (provincial route Nº 8) that connects the city of General Roca with Los Menucos town.
Central point coordinates are: 40 ° 40´14 "S - 68 ° 23´10 ' W
The mining properties that form the project are fully owned by Trendix SA and cover a total surface of 6,181 has.

Uranium mineralization at the BCP project area, is related at silty and sandy soil levels with variable grades of develop of horizons with gypsum and carbonates accumulation. Mineralized thickness varies between 20 cm up to 1.50 m. and is developed from the surface until a depth of 2.40 m. Visible uranium mineralization is characterized by a yellow pale to brilliant (carnotite) appear disseminated in the matrix of calcareous soil either covering clasts.
Mineralization is open to the N and NW direction.

The age of sediments where mineralization is developed corresponds at upper Pleistoce to Holocene.