The project area is located in the central part of the province of Rio Negro, (Patagonia Argentina), approximately 26 km to the ESE of the town of Los Menucos. The coordinates are: 40º 52'43.2 "S and 67º 51'6.8" W. Los Menucos is located four hours from the city of Neuquen, which has daily commercial flights to the cities of Mendoza and Buenos Aires.
The project area is covered by six propierties, which add up to a total of 9,900 hectares. Trendix Mining owns 100% of the mining rights to these properties.
In the central zone of the province of Rio Negro, during the upper Triassic period (220 million years), there was an extensive volcanism of acid composition to mesosilicic,, known as Complejo Los Menucos, and which integrates what is known as the North Patagonian Massif . This volcanism was located in an extensional environment, and it covered an area of approximately 8,000 km2. It is responsible for the intense hydrothermal activity recognized in this district, where high, intermediate and low sulphidation epithermal systems have been recognized, generating polymetallic deposits rich in precius metals, vellum systems of fluorite - barite - manganese, and veins and disseminated systems of gold.
Within the explored area an extensive low sulphidation epithermal system has been detected, represented by a NW-SE mineralized corridor of 4,500 meters in length, variable width between 300 and 600 meters, and open at both ends. Two mineralized blocks were identified: Choique NW Main Block and Choique SE Block, differentiated by the width of the exposed quartz veins in the surface, their mineralogy, formation temperature, and the intensity of the hydrothermal alteration of the host rock.
The Choique NW Main Block is where most exploratory work has been concentrated, and an epithermal system of about 2000 meters in the NW-SE direction and 600 meters in the NE-SW direction has been recognized. The soil sampling carried out determined that the system is open towards the NW, while the geological-structural interpretation indicates that towards the NE the system is also open. Therefore, the size of the deposit could be considerably greater than what is currently exposed on the surface. The deposit consists of an extensive stockwork of quartz-chalcedony, with at least twelve pulses of siliceous injection, which covers an area of approximately 140 hectares.

The width of the veins and veinlets that make up this stockwork varies from a few centimeters to 1.20 meters, and have typical textures of shallow epithermal environments (crustiform-coloform, pseudomorphs according to calcite, massive chalcedony, etc.). In addition, several episodes of hydrothermal brecciation have been identified, notably a hydrothermal explosion chimney, whose outcrop covers an area of 4 hectares. The mineralization does not only occur in the veins and veinlets, but it is also found in the box rock (in the sedimentary and tuff levels).
In this block three mineralizing episodes have been identified, of which the second and the third present a great areal development and contribute gold to the system. The last two mineralizing episodes are temporarily separated by a phreatomagmatic breccia event, associated with the possible intrusion of a rhyolitic dome.
Episode I is formed by a system of massive quartz veins with replacement textures according to calcite (lattice bladed and parallel bladed), which do not present anomalous values in preciuos metals. It is crossed by a system of quartz veins banded in the form of stockwork, with anomalous gold contents of a maximum of 0.7 ppm. This vein system has limited areal development.
Episode II is characterized by a stockwork of quartz-chalcedony (chalcedony predominates), with coloform-crustiform textures, and abundance of hematite silica bands which gives a characteristic reddish color to these veins. It is also associated with several events of hydrothermal brecciation. Presents gold grades ranging from 0.1 ppm to 1.9 ppm. From the surface sampling, six samples with gold content between 1 ppm and 1.9 ppm corresponding to this episode were detected, while in one of the drilling a value of 4 ppm was obtained in a sample of one meter. The veins and veins of this episode predominate in the central sector and SE of Cerro Choique, and cover an approximate area of 80 hectares.
Episode III, temporarily younger, is of a higher temperature and has higher gold content than the previous one. It is characterized by a stockwork of veins and veinlets of banded quartz, with a crustiform texture, with white and pink bands. They are concentrated mainly in the NW sector of Cerro Choique, covering an area of approximately 20 hectares, although the system is open to the NW. In the entire Cerro Choique area, 23 geochemical rock samples have been obtained that exceeded 1 ppm Au, of which 15 samples correspond to this episode. These samples vary between 1 to 4 ppm of gold. This mineralizing episode represents a reactivation of the epithermal system as a result of the intrusion of a rhyolitic dome, evidenced on the surface by the presence of a phreatomagmatic brecciation event. This reactivation brought precious metals into the system. Approximately 900 surface geochemical samples were taken (rock and soil samples), 1,010 samples from drilling, 4,650 meters of exploratory trenches and 1,076 meters of reverse AR drilling. Both the trenches and the holes were carried out in the first season of 1996. In the years following the survey campaign, geological mapping studies and intense geochemical sampling were carried out, concluding that the main identified exploratory targets were not drilled during the campaign 1996. Soil sampling carried out in 2012 showed as a main conclusion that the mineralized system is open at the NW end.
In summary form, the rock sampling presented the following gold results:
23 samples: 1.00 to 4.00 ppm Au
32 samples: 0.50 to 1.00 ppm Au
85 samples: 0.25 to 0.50 ppm Au
310 samples: 0.10 to 0.25 ppm Au
In Choique SE Block, a system of veins of white quartz alternating in bands with granular gray crystalline quartz of greater temperature, associated with levels of gaps (veins of gaps) has been detected and is also interpreted as an epithermal system exposed in the levels intermediate Two branches of veins have been identified in an approximate area of 1,500 m x 300 m in width NW-SE. These veins are open towards both ends. In this block there is also a quartz-fluorite vein system where the old works of NE-SW fluorite and an intensively silicified and breached tuff level are interpreted as a Cap Silica. The geochemical sampling performed detected interesting anomalies of gold and trace elements such as mercury, arsenic and molybdenum, in rock samples taken from the epithermal quartz veins. According to the geological model proposed for this deposit, several exploratory targets can be defined. The main ones are:
1. In the superficial sectors, mineralization of the disseminated type associated with the levels of permeable rocks (sedimentary and tuff), and systems of veins and veins in stockwork. The latter mainly in the sectors associated with the third mineralizing episode, where siliceous pulses with higher gold content have been detected.
2. Field evidence suggests the presence of a shallow intrusive body (rhyolitic dome) that generated a phreatomagmatic breccia, prior to the third mineralizing event. This opens the possibility of exploring new targets following the model of epithermal deposits associated with rhyolitic domes. In the Macizo del Deseado (Province of Santa Cruz), interesting mineral deposits have been discovered associated with rhyolitic domes complexes (such as the Las Calandrias Project -Mariana Resources- and Falcon -Yamana-), where the mineralization is disseminated inside and edge of the domes (gaps, stockwork and veins).
3. In the medium and deep levels of the system, the feeders of the system are interesting exploratory targets in search of vein systems with high grades in noble metals and possibly also base metals. The mineralized zone of the SE Block has the potential to find vetiform systems rich in gold.

The exploratory works carried out to date indicate that the Cerro Choique Project has an enormous potential to house mineralized bodies with the potential to become one of the main mines in Northern Patagonia.
Trendix Mining is looking for a partner to continue the exploration work. The company is open to listen and discuss any of the different contractual alternatives common in the mining industry.