Dos Lagunas Project is located at 15 km to the SE of Los Menucos town, at Rio Negro province.
The property is conformed by 12 mining claims that cover 72 hectares and is registered in the Direccion de Mineria (Rio Negro province) with the record Nº 20180-95.
Mineralization is located in a pyroclastic sequence of rhyolithic to dacitic composition of Triassic age known like Los Menucos Complex. The main structure shows a length of 1.7 Km, until 7 m wide and is conformed by veins and veinlets of massive quartz adularia and textures of colloform bands of cryptocrystaline quartz.
Gold mineralization of low sulfidation type is restricted to quartz veins and veinlets that form the main structure.

The exploration works were developed in different times and by different companies. They consisted in surface geological maps, trenches and drilling programs both DDH (989 m) and RC (1,020 m).
The best values obtained in trenches reached to 64.88 ppm Au, while the holes showed until 56.35 ppm Au.
The pre investment in exploration tasks developed until today is on the order of 1.6 M U$S.